
You should be able to use the <Tldraw/> component in any React editor.

To use the <Tldraw/> component, create a file like this one:

import { Tldraw } from '@tldraw/tldraw'
import '@tldraw/tldraw/editor.css'
import '@tldraw/tldraw/ui.css'

export default function () {
	return (
				position: 'fixed',
				inset: 0,
			<Tldraw />

In addition to the library, you will also need to:

  • import the CSS files for the editor and UI
  • probably set a viewport meta tag in your html.

See below for more detail on these.

A note on next.js / server-rendered react

The <Tldraw/> component cannot be server-rendered. If you're using the component in a Next.js app, you will need to import it dynamically. The code to do that will look something like this:

import dynamic from "next/dynamic"

const Editor = dynamic(
	async () => import('../components/Editor')),
	{ ssr: false }

export default function MyPage() {
	return <Editor/>


The <Tldraw/> component combines several other pieces:

  • the tldraw editor (@tldraw/editor)
  • the tldraw UI (@tldraw/ui)
  • an engine (@tldraw/sync-client) for persistence and cross-tab syncronization

Note: In the future, this library will also include an engine for using our collaboration services.

If you wanted to have more granular control, you could also use those subcomponents directly. See the "exploded" example for what that would look like.


In order to use the <Tldraw/> component, you must also import a CSS file from the library @tldraw/editor library (automatically installed with @tldraw/tldraw):

import '@tldraw/tldraw/editor.css'
import '@tldraw/tldraw/ui.css'

You can overwrite these files with other CSS, customize the styles via package patches, or copy the contents into a different file and import that instead.

In addition to these stylesheets, the root project imports the src/index.css file, so its styles are used for every example. Be sure to take a look at this file: you may find some of these styles necessary in your own usage of the <Tldraw/> component.


You probably also want to update your index.html's meta viewport element as shown below.

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, viewport-fit=cover" />

These may not be critical to <Tldraw/> performing correctly, however some features (such as safe area positioning) may not work correctly if these are not set.

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Last edited on 22 March 2023